Coin-op punchball found!
I've found this 1930's coin operated punchball, probably slightly updated in the early 1950's by Shefras and Co of London. Needs a bit of work to get it back into full operation, but it seems to be all there. So when I've finished the Gottlieb World Fair pinball I picked up yesterday, and I've sorted my mate Pete's pinball too, it looks like the punchball will be next on the list.
If anybody is interested in buying it once restored, let me know - it's too big for the shop - you'll need a couple of strong guys and a hefty wagon. It's no lightweight!
Talk of punchballs, I have a friend, now in his 80s, who was a boxer in a fairground booth in the 1950's. If you're interested in this sort of thing, search out Vanessa Toulmin's book "A Fair Fight", and watch "Wall of Death" (1951) which stars a young Laurance Harvey as a fairground boxer.